Button #r1
Gray Berkshire rat, Picture in the center, "Shadow" on the top, pink border.
$1 |
Button #r2
Hairless rat pictured in the center, "Male pattern baldness comes in many forms" surrounding picture, black border. (Rat model -Sid)
$1 |
Button #r3
Gray & white rat drawing, "My rats cooler than you" above picture, black border.
$1 |
Button #r4
Trip a masked hairless rat, "Trip" in the corner, red border.
$1 |
Button #r5
Big furry white rat, "Rebel" on the top, pink border.
$1 |
Button #r6
Big & little Black & white hooded rats, "Party & Flame" on the side, black border.
$1 |
Button #r7
Gambian rat Stormy, black border.
$1 |
Button #r8
Gambian rat peeking over side of the cage, "Stormy" on the top, black border.
$1 |
Button #r9
Faded Gambian rat, "The bigger the rat the better", blue border. $1 |
Button #r10
Punk Rat drawing, "My rats more punk than you", red border.
$1 |
Button #r11
White felt covered rat button, has mirror round ears, has white & green eyes, has pink whiskers & nose.
$1.50 |
Button #r12
Black cloth covered rat button, has pink felt ears, has black & white eyes, black whiskers & pink nose.
$1.50 |
Button #r13
Colorful fabric covered rat button, brown ears, white & blue eyes, white whiskers & pink nose.
$1.50 |
Button #r14
Black cloth covered rat button, mirror round ears, red & white eyes, black whiskers & red nose.
$1.50 |
Button #r15
Blue felt covered rat button, pink ears, green & white eyelash eyes, white whiskers & pink nose.
$1.50 |
Button #r16
Black felt covered rat button, black ears, black & white eyes, white whiskers & black nose.
$1.50 |
Button #r17
Blue felt covered rat button, black & white eyes, pink ears, white nose & whiskers.
$1.50 |
Button #r18
Blue felt covered rat button, black & white eyes, pink ears & nose, white whiskers, pink tail.
$1.50 |
Button #r20
Colorful fabric covered rat button, blue & white eyes, pink nose, brown ears, white whiskers.
$1.50 |
Button #r21
Pink eyed white rat! White furry fabric covered rat button, Pink & white eyes, white whiskers, brown ears.
$1.50 |
Button #r23
White felt covered rat button, pink & white eyes, pink ears, pink whiskers & black nose.
$1.50 |
Button #r24
Blue felt covered rat button, white & yellow eyelash eyes, white whiskers, yellow nose, black ears.
$1.50 |
Button #25
Pink Eyed white rat! White felt covered rat button, pink ears & nose, pink & white eyes, white whiskers.
$1.50 |
Button #r26
Pink hairless dumbo rat head drawing, "Who are you calling Dumbo, hairless?"
$1 |
Button #r27
Black and white rat lounging drawing.
$1 |
Button #r28
Blue rat drawing with heart on back.
$1 |
Button #r29
Gray rat lounging drawing, "My friend."
$1 |
Button #r30
Blue hairless dumbo rat head drawing, "i like the blues."
$1 |
Button #r31
Gray & white rat drawing.
$1 |
Button #r32
Black & white rat head drawing.
$1 |
Button #r33
Gambian rat with white & gray rat. (Rat models - Gambian-Stormy, Gray & white -Ashes)
$1 |
Button #r34
Gambian rat smiling and showing her teeth. (Rat model -Stormy)
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Button #r35
Gambian rat with gray berkshire rat. (Rat models -Gambian-Stormy, Berkshire - Shadow.
$1 |
Button #r36
Gambian rat with her cheek pouches filled. (Rat model -Stormy)
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Button #r37
Rat drawing, colored blue/gray, has "Trade? Smile for a scratch?" next to picture.
$1 |
Button #r38
Black & white rat drawing, has "I've come for treats" next to picture. $1 |
Button #r39
Furry Rat drawing, has "As furry as i wanna be" under drawing.
$1 |
Button #r40
Rat drawing with pink ears, nose and red eyes. Has "I'm not a PEW I'm a REW" next to picture.
(PEW-Pink eyed white REW-Red eyed white)
$1 |
Button #r41
Furry rat drawing, Has "Rat crazy" next to picture.
$1 |
Button #r42
Furry rat drawing.
$1 |
Button #r43
Masked hairless rat with "Yoggies please" on the side. (Rat Model is Trip)
$1 |
Button #r44
Black & white rat drawing.
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