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Giant Pouched Rat, Stormy girl.

Approx. Birthdate Dec. 9th 2002. Brought home 2/10/03. Stormy is a great rat, but much different from the regular pet rats, she can turn her ears, make churble sounds, run much faster and she has cheek pouches!
She gets along with my other rats, mainly the boys, for some reason the girls don't like her and will get big hair and try to fight with her.
(Pictures are oldest to newest.)

Here is Stormy hanging out in a rat bed, on the bed and on the floor.

Stormy peeking over the side of her cage.

Stormy standing peeking over the side of her cage.

Stormy on a pillow, on a shoulder, in a rat bed with Trip Monkey watching her, and being a bad girl chewing on the carpet.

Isn't she pretty?

Stormy exploring the kitchen, leaving her cage, and on the kitchen table.

Stormy hanging out on the bed.

Stormy's on the bed again!

Stormy with Shadow & Stormy with Ashes.

Stormy hanging out with Ashes.

Stormy peeking out of her igloo with her cheeks full.

Stormy peeking out of her cage with her cheek pouches filled.

Stormy sitting on a shoulder, showing her teeth, smiling.

Stormy running with her cheeks full.

Stormy holding her water bottle.

Stormy on the bed.

Stormy running across the couch.

Stormy licking the wall!

Stormy, Peaking at the other rats.

Stormy being a crazy rat, running all over the house.

Stormy on the top of the closet drinking her water.









Stormy is still doing great, She is now over 6 years old, she jumped in to visit the Guinea pigs and got a nibble on her tail and is having a little hip trouble every now and then but overall she is great. she even lets me hold her now and give her lots of kisses, she has mellowed out quite a bit. She's so cool, i hope she lives a lot longer!
Stormy, look at those big cheeks!.

Stormy refilling her cheeks.

Stormy out exloring.