This page is a Keypers Product list page!
It is designed to help Keypers collectors identify their collectibles and to find out what Keypers exist.
These toys are NOT for sale, this page is for information purposes only!
If you are looking for toys for sale, please visit my Toys for sale pages. (Click here)
Keypers Facts:
All Adult Keypers come with Keyring, Brush & Key.
All Baby Keypers come with brushes.
In most instances, There are two different versions of Adult & Baby Keypers.
Regular versions & Glittery eye versions. The Glittery eye versions, sometimes have varying hair colors -such as glitter hair added. For the most part the glittery eye Keypers were not made in the U.S.
Some Keypers characters have only glittery eye versions and some only have non glittery eye versions.
Keypers were/are very popular in the UK and there are lots of items made in the UK that were not made in the U.S.
Some of these items below *may* come with more accessories, the info is to the best of my knowledge.

Brella(U.S. name)/Bonnie(UK name) -Adult Bear holding umbrella, glitter eyes, comes with pink barrette with yellow & blue bee on it, blue keyring, pink key & pink brush.
Honey - Baby bear yellow, holding blue pot, blue & white hair, comes with brush & bee hair barrette.
Honey - Baby bear yellow, holding blue pot, blue & white hair with sparkly eyes, comes with brush & bee hair barrette.
Bunny Rabbits:

Joyful - Adult wedding Bunny, glitter eyes, pink hair, comes with Vail, Keyring, key & brush.
Joyful - Adult bunny, blue hair, comes with Vail, keyring, silver key & brush.
Blossom - Baby Bunny, has red & white long hair, glittery eyes


Cassie - Adult white cat wearing pink outfit, glitter eyes, knitting, blue & white hair, comes with keyring, key & brush.
Tabitha - Baby kitten, glitter eyes, Pink outfit with a purple yarn ball, white & purple hair, comes with brush.

Frisky -Adult Dog, Yellow dog, purple & white hair, glittery eyes, comes with keyring, key, & brush.
Bobble -Baby Puppy Yellow with pink patches, dark pink collar, dark & light pink hair, comes with brush.

Hero - Adult Blue Kangaroo, comes with blue hat, red scarf, blue key, blue keyring & blue brush
Hero - Adult purple Kangaroo, comes with purple hat,purple scarf, purple key, purple keyring & purple brush
Little League - Baby Blue Kangaroo, comes with yellow & white blanket, blue brush, yellow bottle
Name unknown -Adult Purple Kangaroo Holding a Tennis racket, comes with pink visor, bow around neck, purple keyring, key & brush.


Taps -Baby ladybug, yellow, yellow hair, comes with yellow blanket, yellow bottle & yellow brush.
Tango - Adult Orange Ladybug, comes with orange hair bow, orange & yellow scarf, Orange key, orange keyring & orange brush
Taps -baby ladybug, yellow with orange back, yellow hair, comes with blanket, yellow bottle, orange brush.

Taps - Baby ladybug, Yellow & pink, yellow hair, comes with blanket, brush & bottle.
Tango -Adult Yellow & pink ladybug, comes with orange hair bow & scarf, yellow keyring, pink key & pink brush.
Taps - Baby Blue & pink Ladybug, Long pink, white & blue hair, glitter eyes, comes with brush, blanket & bottle.
Tango - Adult Blue & pink Ladybug, glitter eyes, comes with pink hair bow & pink scarf, white keyring, blue key & blue brush
Taps - Baby Orange & yellow Ladybug, shirt hair, yellow blanket, orange brush, yellow duck.

Keyboard -Adult Penguin, white & purple, with curly pink hair, blue hat, comes with keyring, blue key & yellow brush.
Keyboard -Adult Penguin, white & Purple, with white hair, blue hat, purple keyring, blue key & brush.
Keyboard - Adult Penguin white & pink, glittery eyes, blue hat, pink & white curly hair, white keyring, blue key & blue brush.
Keyboard - Adult Penguin, white & black, white hair, red hat, red keyring, yellow key & yellow brush.
Kazoo - Baby Penguin comes with yellow & white blanket, yellow brush & white block

Diamond Pony -Adult Horse, white with purple hair, purple & pink saddle, comes with keyring, key & brush
Diamond Pony -Adult Horse, white with pink hair, pink & yellow saddle, comes with yellow keyring, key & brush
Diamond Pony -Adult Horse, white with purple curly hair, orange, yellow & purple saddle, comes with orange keyring, key & brush
Diamond Pony -Adult Horse, white with pink curly hair, pink, purple & blue saddle, comes with gold keyring, key & brush
Glitter - Baby pony, comes with brush.
Name unknown -(UK exclusive) Adult Horse is white with pink, blue and white curly mane and tail. Blue saddle with pink heart on, yellow hooves. Dark pink and silver bridle. Pink roses around her neck and tail.
Name Unknown -(UK exclusive) Adult Horse white with blue, green & gild tinsel hair. Blue roses around her neck and tail. Blue, dark blue & purple saddle. Dark blue hooves.

Fancy - Adult Pink Snail, comes with pink key, keyring, brush, scarf & hat.
Pearl -Baby pink snail, long red & white hair, Glitter eyes, comes with brush.
Pearl -Baby pink snail, short red hair, comes with rattle, pink brush & bib.


Frilly - Adult Squirrel, glitter eyes, Purple & blue hair, comes with blue hat, acorn shaped barrette, purple keyring, blue key & blue brush.
Scamper- Baby Squirrel, glitter eyes, purple, pink & blue hair, comes with brush & acorn shaped barrette.

Princess- Adult Swan, purple & white hair, pink wings with yellow hearts, comes with crown & scarf, keyring, pink key & brush.
Princess- Adult Swan comes with crown & scarf, pink hair, white with pink wings with purple hearts, keyring, key & brush.
Princess- Adult Swan comes with crown & scarf, pink & purple hair, white with pink wings with purple hearts, pink keyring, key & brush.
Princess- Adult Swan, pink & purple hair, white body, yellow and pink wings with blue hearts, comes with crown & scarf, keyring, gold key & brush.
Belle - Baby Swan, short white hair comes with Pink brush, white block with key on the side & bonnet.
Belle -Baby Swan, long purple & pink hair, glitter eyes, comes with White Block with a Key painted on the side & brush.
Michelle - Adult purple Turtle with sparkly eyes, long white & pink hair, comes with scarf & hat, pink keyring, purple key & purple brush.
Poke - Baby Turtle w/ purple & blue hair, glitter eyes, comes with bonnet, bottle & brush.
Michelle -Adult purple turtle, purple & white hair, white bonnet, pink scarf, pink keyring, purple key, purple brush.
Sheldon -Adult purple Turtle, comes with purple scarf & purple with white dots night hat, purple brush, purple keyring & purple key.
Poke - Baby Turtle w/ white hair, comes with white bonnet, yellow bottle & purple brush.

Twist - Orange Tango's Finder. Orange with yellow back & red shoes.
Twist - Blue Tango's Finder. Light Pink, dark pink back, blue glasses & shoes.
Twist -Pink Tango's Finder. Yellow with dark pink back, pink shoes & glasses.

Nitelite - Sheldon's Finder. Purple with glow in the dark back & purple shoes.
NightBright - Michelle's Finder. Purple with glow in the dark back & purple shoes.

Hummer - Keyboard's Finder. White with purple hair, pink glasses & shoes.
Hummer - Keyboard's Finder. yellow with red back, black shoes, red glasses.

Posey (U.S.A name)/ Bouncer (UK name) -Brella's Finder. Yellow with pink back, blue shoes & glasses.
Tumble - Frisky's) Finder. Yellow with purple back, pink shoes and
Name unknown - Cassie's) Finder-Pink with blue back, Pink glasses &
white shoes.

Footloose - Fancy's Finder. Light pink, dark pink back, shoes & Glasses.
Peppy -Frilly's Finder. Purple with pink back, glasses & shoes.
Dash- Diamond's Finder. Purple, pink back, dark purple shoes & glasses finder.
Perkins - Princess's Finder. Pink, White back, purple square glasses & shoes.
Bowtie -Joyful's Finder. Pink, white back, pink square glasses & shoes. Black bowtie.

Tee-Ball - Blue Hero's Finder. Blue body, blue hair, red glasses & shoes.
Tee-Ball -Purple Hero's Finder. Purple body, blue back, dark purple glasses & shoes. (Not positive the purple Hero's finders name is Tee-Ball.)
Name unknown -Purple Kangaroo's Finder. Pink with purple back, pink glasses & white shoes.

Name unknown -Pink with purple back, white shoes, pink glasses.
Play Sets:
Keypers Secret Stroller play set. Stroller inside bottom opens up to hide thins in, removable from base, comes with pink key.
Keypers Treasure bed play set. Bed opens up to hide things, comes with pink key.

Keypers Royal bed & crib play set.
Keypers Tree house (Purple and pink)

Misc. items pictured below:
Keypers egg cup with Princess swan on front (Made in the U.K. only)
Baby bottles that came with baby Poke Turtles
Some Keypers brushes

Tango ladybug plush
Hero Kangaroo plush
Fancy snail plush
Sheldon/Michelle turtle plush (on the pamphlet and box it calls this plush "Michelle" altho Michelle is a girl and has long hair and this turtle has short hair and looks exactly like "Sheldon."
Princess swan plush
Keyboard Penguin Plush

Tango ladybug backpack

Fancy snail purse

Sheldon turtle purse bag

Keyper bag with Sheldon pictured on front (Made in the U.K. only)

Keypers backpack with Sheldon pictured on the front.

Metal Tins:
Keypers Fancy snail metal tin
Keypers Tango metal tin
Keypers Sheldon metal tin

Diamond pony Keypsakes, Charm bracelet, Whistle & Barrettes.
Keypsakes earrings, 3 pairs. of clip on earrings Ladybug, Turtle & Snail.)
Keypsakes 2 hair picks, 2 charm bracelets set.
Keypsakes Sheldon turtle charm bracelet set

Keypers Keypsakes necklace & ponytail holder.
Keypers Fancy snail ring and pocket mirror set.

Keypers Keypsakes Bracelet & earring set.

The daylight dig book
Polish up for Sheldon book
The missing note book
The lost Ribbon HB Book.
Keypers book & Tape set (Made in the U.K.)
Comic book (in German?)
Annual 1988 Hardcover book.
Small pamphlet insert that comes with Keypers plush & Play Sets items, shows pictures of other Keypers items.

Keypers Daylight dig book & tape set

Keypers board game (made in the U.K.)

Keyper TV tray with fold out legs

Keypers Ceramic mug with Sheldon pictured on it (Made in the U.K. only)

Keypers round trash can (Made in the U.K. only)

Keypers vinyl place mat (Made in the U.K.)

Keypers play pad notepad, has puzzles, mazes and games inside. (Made in the U.K.)
Keypers playing cards game

Keypers Bedspread & Pillowcase set.

Fancy Snail bubble bath bottle
Sheldon turtle bubble bath bottle.

Keypers paper bookmarks, Keyboard, Fancy, Hero & Princess pictured on them. (Made in the U.K.)

Keypers floor puzzle, 24 extra large pieces. (Made in the U.K.)

Keypers gift boxes, Tango, Fancy, Sheldon & box with finders on it.

Keypers Pastry set

Keypers lamp -Pink castle shaped lamp with Fancy & Finder pictured on it. (Made in U.K. only)

Keypers pink Lunchbox

Keypers Sticker sheet of characters.

Keypers Tablecover with Fancy snail on it.

4 Keypers iron on transfer sheets
Sheldon Halloween Costume
Keypers pink clock has Fancy snail & finder pictured on it. (Made in the U.K.)
Keypers plastic mug
Thanks to Edith for her tremendous help with Keypers pictures, names and information!
If you have or know of items not listed, Please don't hesitate to email me.
Email: DiscoPanth@gmail.com
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